Sharing our knowledge and experience

micelab:extract is a handy and attractive booklet containing the most important research findings and insights from the Lab and from real-world practice. (At present, it is available only in the German language).

Developing trust

The first volume was devoted to the question of how people can make their way “From Fear to Trust”. This can mean fear of groups at events, or fear when presenting something in the context of a seminar, workshop or discussion. That is to say, a general fear of participation.

Fears such as this can be overcome when congress participants get to know and trust each other. Only then do they approach each other with an openness to work and learn on the same level, perform co-creatively, and connect with each other in Resonance.

Building resonant relationships

The second volume is accordingly all about “Eros [&] Resonance: the potentials of affinity”. The valuable impulses, and how they can be put to practical use in the MICE sector, come from nature education, music communication and resonance research. Available from March 2019. The third edition, on the topic of “Me [&] Us”, will follow in 2020.


Dynamic congress culture

micelab:extract stimulates the ideas through which a dynamic congress culture can develop and ultimately thrive. The booklet inspires and emboldens to try out new things. With its handy format and appealing design, portraying chosen scenes from the Research Lab (micelab:explorer), it is made with ease of browsing in mind.

The variety of content is also reflected in the different features within: in-depth interviews, lively reportages, stimulating dialogues, individual insights, enlightening testimonies, and exciting experiments and examples, to name just a few! Meanwhile, there is plenty of space pages for jotting down your own thoughts on the topics at hand.

You can order micelab:extract by mail, or read it online for free (currently available only in German).


Band 1, erschienen 2017

Angst & Vertrauen

Preis: 19,90 Euro (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)
Mehr Infos, Bilder und eine Rezension gibt es hier.

«Wenn der ganze Mensch mit Körper, Seele und Geist angesprochen wird, ist für unterschiedlichste Bedürfnisse gesorgt und der Kongress wird eine lebendige und ganzheitliche Erfahrung.»

Herbert Salzmann - Organisationsentwickler und micelab-Forscher
micelab:extract, Band 1